( ̄ー ̄) One Week of Celebration

Yes internet people, I am officially old. This week my inadequacy has been magnified by x1000 times because my birthday arrived. For many regular people birthday is a day for joyfully celebration and in my case my birthday celebration is a length of 7 days of hectic no-rests events.

(=_=) You: if you think you are "busy" then you should not spend a week for celebrations?
(^_^) Me :
many(MANY..lol)years ago, I’ve promised my friends that I will go out with them.

*claps claps* I have always envy people who are able to relax through life [sarcasm not intended]. My life schedule is chaotic, yup I do admit that I took this upon myself but I stand by the saying “live your life to the fullest”. Ok I will not bore you with too much details of my life. Moving on, I spent my birthday week to fulfill empty promises by going out with my friends. My birthday is just a decoy for going out with them, having said that I sincerely appreciate their efforts. Therefore thank you everyone for all the well wishes and present that I have received.

Let’s fast forward and skip all those details,
(I edited some photos for fancy effect but then I got bored...so enjoy these fresh photos).

[Birthday love of 2010]

[Some cards, La Mer's mirror, etc]

[LG KP500, Frame, etc]

[SJP Lotion, ParisHilton Perfume, etc]

To be honest, my friends can read me like a book (the gifts were bought at the right time for the right girl: ME) Quicksilver skullcandy headphones, touchscreen phone, La Mer’s brand mirror, Sarah Jessica Parker’s brand of lotion *love this a lot*, Paris Hilton’s perfume (*hmm* SamSam thinks I should smell like PH), shoes from Momoe, the lists goes on and on….

But the only significant key/reason for this post is to give my gratitude towards my family & friends who took the trouble to celebrate my day.


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2 Response to "( ̄ー ̄) One Week of Celebration"

  1. Jane Says:
    January 16, 2010 at 12:04 PM

    xD hapi bday baby.. how's life

  2. CandiceIceY says:
    January 16, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    *hugs* thank you but..
    (X_x) how you found my blog? it suppose to be a secret..

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